Vegetables & Fruits during Confinement? YAY or NAY?

Some of you may have heard the elderly recommending meat over vegetables and fruits during confinement month. Is this myth or fact? Is vegetables & fruits good or bad during confinement recovery? 

In TCM, all food source, both animal source and plant based, are classified in 3 groups, namely, warm, neutral and cooling. 

While vegetables and fruits maybe beneficial to any age group, there are some fruits which are categorized under "cooling" nature are least recommended for consumption during confinement period. Postpartum women are recommended to take food that are neutral and warm in nature during postpartum recovery.

Body became weak after chilbirth, hence with some help from healthy food as well as chinese herbs, rejuvenation process can be sped up and body recovers better and faster. 

What are some of these vegetables and fruits that are recommended during confinement period?

Broccoli, rich in soluble fiber, vitamin A, B Complex, C, E, K, antioxidant properties, high in calcium, magnesium, zinc and many more, is one vegetable that are well-liked by many. It helps to lower cholesterol, blood sugar and detox. Although broccoli is good and nutritious, eating too much may caused excessive gas and bowel irritation. 

Chinese Yam, grown underneath, is rich in Vitamin B, C, healthy fats, Carb, calcium, iron. It helps to nourish spleen, lungs as well as tonify kidney. Chinese Yam is commonly use in soup, porridge and some stir-fry dishes. 


Grapes are rich in nutrients, especially vitamin B6, C and K, fiber and are powerful antioxidant. We often see green and purple (red) grapes in supermarket, however grapes are available in translucent green, black, purple and red. So which is better?

Red grapes get their color from the disease-fighting antioxidants flavonoids that carry anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain vitamin C and B, potassium, fiber, and they’re low in calories.

Green ones also have vitamin C that’s good for the repair and growth of body tissue and vitamin K which prevents blood clotting. They’re also low in calories, cholesterol, saturated fats, and sodium. 

Both are healthy fruit, however, red has higher level of antioxidant as compared to green. 


Ripe papaya tastes better than raw papaya, but from a medicinal point of view, raw papaya should be consumed by lactating mothers regularly. The enzymes and minerals are more concentrated in raw papaya; therefore, it is more healthy for nursing mothers. Besides having rich vitamins, minerals and nutrients, papaya also helps in weight management and promotes healthy bowel movement. However, pregnant women should avoid taking raw papaya as it contains a latex substance that may cause contractions of the uterus, which is dangerous for pregnant women. 

Some other options includes: 

  • Ginger
  • Basil 
  • Carrot
  • Lotus Root
  • Corn
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkin
  • Mushroom 
  • Fungus
  • Lotus Seed
  • Black Bean
  • Red Bean
  • Apple
  • Peach
  • Lychee
  • Longan
  • Durian
  • Cherri